
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Let's Cut a Rug!

No, I don't mean the two step, I mean let's really cut a rug! Which ones? How about the burlap rugs that we carry at the store! I was seeking something unusual for window treatments and these caught my eye. I love the script graphics and the versatility of the fabric. But I may have gotten a bit carried away....I couldn't stop with one room! See what you think.

In the dining room I folded two rugs and hung them over a white scarf that I twirled around a curtain rod. I really liked the result so I took it a step further.

Over the kitchen window I took another rug and fan folded it on a tension rod. This was super duper simple, only took about 20 minutes to complete!

For the living room window I had to get out the skill saw and drill, but it was still a very easy project. I built a cornice board out of luan wood (best stuff in the world for lightweight projects), upholstered it in burlap and adorned the center with a rug. I hung it with angle brackets and finished it off with some simple white sheers. Don't you love the contrast of the burlap against the white? This one was a little more work than the first two, but was still less than an hour to complete! I love fast projects!

All of the treatments are different in style, but I think they do a wonderful job of unifying the rooms of the small weekend cottage. Now, it's time to start decorating the place!

Call me crazy, but I think I like these rugs better on the windows than the floor!

Happy Thanksgiving!!



  1. Oh my, I love this! Those rugs are fabulous!

  2. Okay, this is completely fun! Love love love this!

    Happy Thanksgiving wishes!

  3. Does your mind ever shut down or for that matter, do YOU??? You must go 24/7. Great use of the rugs, especially the cornice board.

  4. Such an idea inspiring project. Thank you!

  5. I love those rugs, can I buy them online?

  6. These are so cute! I especially love the 2nd looks like a roman shade! You are so clever!

    yapping cat

  7. Hi LaurieAnna- I'm so glad you found me (Nutcracker market in Houston blog post) and left me your info. Your blog is fabulous and these window coverings are incredible- love them!
