
Monday, April 16, 2012

The Heart of a Vintage Home

  We've been enjoying our first Spring here at the farmhouse with many gardening projects.

 As we worked in the yard this weekend,  I wondered, how many children have played in this yard over the past 118 years?

How many times has that screen door slammed in its lifetime?
How many barefeet have walked on these old bricks and hardwood floors?
How many women, just like me, have daydreamed from the windows?

Does the house remember?....
I think it does.

Our lil place has been speaking to my heart.....

"I was here before you were born,
I will be here when you are gone.
 I will shelter you for all the years that you dwell within me.
And, when you are gone, I will forever hold your memory within my walls."
That is what I imagine our sweet farmhouse would say to me if it could talk. 
I think all the people that have lived here over the years are woven into the tapestry of its history, and that we are now a very tiny thread of that story.

This thought makes me smile. 
Our homes are so much more than just a place to sleep and eat, don't you think?
Does your house ever speak to your heart?


  1. Une publication qui me remplit d'émotion... moi qui en ce moment recherche une maison à acheter qui a une âme...
    gros bisous

  2. Those sentiments are the exact reason I love vintage things so much! I always think of who might have used the item before or who thought it was special. I think of how someone may have longed for, saved for, or been gifted with the item. It's so wonderful you are restoring a family to the house!
    Blessings, Lorraine

  3. The last house we left I placed a family snapshot in the hall closet. I wish every family that lived in this house had done that.

  4. Your home has many stories to tell I am sure! I love seeing your charming pictures, keep them coming!


  5. Your home is so charming and welcoming, just like its owner.
    Thanks for sharing!!!


  6. Lovely post LA! So, so happy for you guys that your found your perfect home!

  7. Oh what a beautiful post Laurie.
    I'm sure if the walls could talk there would be many stories.

  8. Great view of your home. Love your fence! Our home smiled when we moved in. You can just feel the release of air a home makes when it is happy! They feel loved when taken care of....weird, I know, but that's how I feel!

  9. Your house is so charming. I often think of what our house may have looked like or who might have lived in it back in the late 1800s. I do think old houses can "speak" to you.

  10. First of all, I love your home.
    My home is not my dream home. We have lived here 26 years. We intended it to be for a couple of years. This house needs alot of work. It is 46 years old......and not the kind of old that has alot of character......more of a vintage old.
    But, when I walk in the door I get a "welcome home" COZY feel.

  11. Definitely! Great post....makes me think....

  12. Oh to see a clip of days gone by. Your home is gorgeous, I love the last shot especially.


  13. I love that! Wow that made me want an old farmhouse even more...someday!

  14. this so speaks to me since i am finding a real attachment to the home place and because of medicaid recovery have to let it go since my mom and dad were ill for an extended time.

  15. LaurieAnna: This is such a great post. I love the little quote from your old farmhouse. My Cottage talks to me all the time. I just know that Miss Lizzie (daughter of original owner) is sitting next to me and she is so happy that I'm here..Happy Monday..Judy

  16. Yes, LaurieAnna. That's one of the wonderful blessings of living in an antique! My home speaks to me the same way.

  17. found a post, i believe it may have been pinterest, where you take a light cover off and write some interesting things on it about your time in that home. then you replace it. at some time within however many years, someone is going to take those off, and be very surprised to learn something about someone else who shared the same home. a few years back, my dad got a visit from the people who bought the farm where he was born. they were doing some remodeling and found some letters that my grama wrote. i dont know what they were about. but anyway they brought them to give to dad and he told them to take and put back into the walls. so they did. oh my what was no doubt in those. we're talking the old days. should be a really neat thing for some one else to find someday......

  18. Thank you so much for putting into words what I have always felt about vintage homes, tools, books. So very well said.

  19. My almost 100 year old farmhouse has always felt welcoming. It could be because it was built by my grandparents and my 96 year old mom was born in my bedroom. Good vibes for sure!

  20. What are great post...
    Went straight to my heart...
    Blessings Lori

  21. I love the look of that house! frankly, it makes me long for the day when I will own a home of my own. Lovely post. :)

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  22. LaurieAnna,

    Your post is a reflection of my own feelings that I expressed in an article I wrote. {Link is on my blog page.} Some days I think my house is yelling: Help! I've fallen and I can't get up! hehehe

    Your Friend,
