
Friday, July 27, 2012

Farmhouse Living Not Just for Farmhouses - Farmhouse Friday #25

Farmhouse living. 
It's the simplicity of place, space and pace.
 Life seems to slow down a touch and the appreciation of all the senses come alive.  Touching the earth while planting vegetables, herbs or flowers....seeing the beautiful colors they produce.
Smelling the aromas of fresh herbs, fresh flowers and clean fresh linens hanging out to dry among them.

Tasting homemade meals from the garden, fresh squeezed lemonade or ice tea with mint... life doesn't get much better.
One doesn't need to live in a farmhouse to experience farmhouse living.  It's easy to do even in the big city!
More and more I see small vegetable gardens popping up on the side of many homes in urban neighborhoods.  Apartment balconies have turned into beautiful petite gardens with pots of flowers, tomato plants and fragrant fresh herbs growing.
You too can turn a corner of your backyard or patio into a farm house way of living.  Even get creative to create your space.
But most importantly, always remember to find a special and serene spot to sit, enjoy and take in the simplicity of your place and space, at a very refreshing pace.
Some of my favorite herbs are Basil, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage & all varieties of Mint & Thyme. 
What are yours?

Some images were found on Pinterest.  Click on the photo to visit their site.


  1. That is so pretty..(you could post on Green Day- , also. Every thing green.) Happy Day.

  2. Farmhouse living is indeed divine. Slowing down, enjoying the simple pleasures, wherever you are!
    I am having great luck with rosemary, and I am surprised! Also love growing thyme, oregano, sage, basil.
    Lovely post, and your farmhouse is beautiful.

  3. I love your home! It's warm and charming. Love your photos.
    It's a lot of work having a garden but worth it!
    thanks for sharing

  4. I love lemon balm,lavender, rosemary and mint.
