What a fabulous show First Monday proved to be! Certainly worthy of a good post, but my life is completely crazy right now....no rest for the weary!! We rolled right out of the Canton show and began loading the trucks and trailers for .....drum roll please.....the Houston Ballet NUTCRACKER MARKET!! Hubby and I have not had a day off in weeks!! But no complaining....we're excited!!
We're all buzzing, the trailers and big trucks are so full that it's almost comical! So much so, that last night we were pulling off things and trying to condense so we could make it all fit!
We're taking everything but the house and will begin unloading tomorrow morning at Reliant Center baby!! We're ready ......are you? We can't wait to see you.....here's all the scoop:
Nutcracker Market begins on Wednesday night, November 11th, with a $150 per person preview party and ends on Sunday, November 15th. You can get more info at the Houston Ballet website. If you've never been, you are truly missing out!! It's the best show of the year! If you are planning to attend, be sure to drop by and see us at booth 332. We're in the same spot as last year.
I will try to post a couple times before the show, but no promises. However, I plan to share lots of pics when I return along with a fun post about the lil Canton Cottage that I will I've been planning but not had time to finish!!
Planning on stopping by.
good luck at the show. Hope you do great.
Wishing you and your adorbale staff... success and fun! Hugs!
Good luck!!
Hey Laurie.....just wanted to say "Good Luck" at the Nutcracker!! Wish we could make it down to Houston as I have always heard that it is an awesome show!! I know you will do great.....hope to see ya in Canton our next time. Cathy "Girls Gone Junkin"
Your booth was amazing again this year! I picked up several items yesterday. If I can ever get to Canton I will have to find you there too. Good Luck this weekend!!
This is the last day of your show. Hope it's been fabulous! I've no doubt it was absolutely beautiful!
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