Our sweet Golden boy Zeek passed away in his sleep this morning, he was 14 1/2 years old.
To say that my heart is broken doesn’t even begin to scrape the surface. My precious boy has taken almost every step I have taken for the past 15 years.
Zeek was with me when I began this business 10 years ago, he was our first official Shoppe dog; he went to work with me every day, he slept right beside my side of the bed every night.....his absence leaves a hole of gigantic proportions.
The computer keypad is wet with tears as I type… my heart aches as I look at his half empty food bowl and silent squeak toy.
Everywhere I look, there is a reminder of him…..
Everywhere I look, there is a reminder of him…..
our home, my office, the car, the yard…..everywhere.
Even the jingle of my car keys are a reminder of him.....for him that sound meant it was time to go bye-bye and always brought excitement, he went everywhere we did.
The empty space in my car and in my heart is overwhelming.
Zeek was our 3rd golden, we lost the first two to
He lived the longest, he loved the hardest, and he is deepest within my heart. I will never forget him, he is a part of me.
He lived the longest, he loved the hardest, and he is deepest within my heart. I will never forget him, he is a part of me.
He had the biggest heart... I
always wished I could love people the way that he did….unconditionally.
Many times I told people that "he was all heart and made up of 100% love"……he brought so much joy into our lives, and into
the lives of our friends, staff, and customers.
The fact that we lost him to a diagnosis of an enlarged heart speaks volumes….
his heart was always enlarged….with love.
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LA Crewmember, and our dear friend Patty Moore, gave us this painting of Zeek several years ago... |
I’ve lost many pets through the years and my experience
tells me that time will help me accept this sad loss.
But, right now my heart rejects any thought that
isn’t a chance to hug that big ol' neck of his again.
Dear God, please watch over our sweet boy as he waits at Rainbow Bridge.
Rest in Peace sweet Zeek, I will love you forever.
aka LaurieAnna's Shoppe Dog
aka LaurieAnna's Shoppe Dog
April 15, 2000 – December
11, 2014
~My apologies for the sad post, but I couldn't bear the thought of not paying tribute to my sweet boy....he brought so much love and joy to others.
Oh...I am so sorry to read this. I know exactly how bad you feel having been there myself. He was a very special boy....This post made me cry....cause I know how horrible it is to have that empty space in your life. The worst thing about dogs is that for all the joy they bring us...they last thing they leave us is with is great pain. Still they are worth it. So worth it.
I'll be thinking of you....
This is my first visit to your site...and it won't be my last. My heart breaks with yours and my eyes are wet with tears. It never gets easier, does it? Each of our pets brings their own special joy into our lives and also brings that bittersweet pain of loss. I have held my 12 year old Molly as she passed from this world. A year later I lost my sweet Tilly when she bolted into the woods while we were on vacation. Her loss a year and a half ago sent me into a deep sadness that I thought I would never recover from. I. Still cry for her and pray that some kind soul out there has taken her in and is showering her with love. She was microchiped leaving me with a dim hope that someday she will return to us.
We have two new furbabies that we love dearly. My only prayer for them is that they lifelong and happy lives with us. They have brought us a tremendous amount of joy and love and I thank God for the two rescue organizations that took them in until we were united.
Each of them are so different from each other. Each one has opened up new places in my heart. Each one leaves a new break when they pass from my life.
I'm glad you shared your beautiful boy's passing with your readers. You have honored him in your words. May his spirit remain close to you as you grieve his loss
This is also my first visit to your blog and I am so sorry about Zeek. Words of sympathy are never enough when you lose a fur baby and understand how you feel. Shiloh is our 3rd golden now 3.5, our last golden Barney died at 15.5 years a good age but his loss left a hole in our hearts and our home.
They each have their own personality and will be forever in your heart and memory, it will get easier and you will be able to look back and remember the happy times you had together.
A big hug coming your way. x
I'm so sorry to read of your loss of sweet Zeek. Time is the only thing that will ease this pain but for now I hope knowing that Zeek was a lucky dog will bring you comfort. To have one home, a love-filled life and bring such joy to a human made him a very special and fortunate dog. May your memories console you and soon bring a smile to your face. Hugs, Deb
I'm so sorry to hear about Zeek. He was such a charmer. Our dog is the same age and barely survived the groomer yesterday getting so weak.
Oh I am so sorry for your loss...I know the pain your in. When we lost our Toby 2 years ago it was hard on all of use but like you he was my shadow...where ever I was he was. We were lucky to have him be part of our family for 15 years. Remember all the joy Zeek brought to all of you and know he's crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is looking down at all of you and he is at peace. He will always be apart of your lives!
My heart is breaking for you,Laurie Anna. I too have felt that awlful, horrible, never ending pain of loss. I am adding you to my prayer list. May you always remember your sweet Zeek and may the pain lessen.
My heart breaks for you. Your sweet boy will leave a huge hole in your heart that will take a lifetime to fill. Know he will always be with you, he is by your side right now, he is your forever angel. Nancy :)
OK, now I have tears on my keyboard! Sorry to hear about "Zeek"! We have a Golden (our second one)! They are the best friends a person could have! I feel your pain!
I am crying with you. Please accept my condolences. I had to put down a registered Persian cat who had been with me through a challenging 17 years. The sadness at their loss is tied to the sadness for the things they shared with us. Please heal...and put away the food bowl for now.
My heart hurts for you. Our sweet pets are such a gift of love and it hurts so bad to lose such faithful friends.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. We've been there too...sending you love and hugs.
My heart hurts for you, your husband and Emory. Time may help, but the spot in your heart will always be tender. My prayers are with you. Truly. Lori Lucas
I so know how you feel and I am so sorry. My heart broke so badly when we lost our "Cotton", that I have not been able to get another dog/pet. Just way too hard is the hurt.
Shedding tears right along with you. We have had several Goldens through the years.Losing them is never easy but it's especially hard when it is that one special one. Hugs from my dear Baxter and Sadie.
So very sorry for the loss of you sweet boy Zeek. He's beautiful and how blessed you were to have each other. My heart truly aches for you. My hubby and I believe we will see our pets again. You & yours are in our thoughts & prayers. xox
The Beehive Cottage
How great that he loved you so dearly for so many years. My dogs haven't lived that long. I am so sorry for your loss.
My heart aches with you. Someone once told me that pets show us how to love and teach us how to deal with loss. Ours have done this and so much more. Sending you big hugs and a prayer that your pain will ease soon rather than later. Zeke was lucky to share life with you guys!
I can feel your heart aching as I read your post and I am sending you many hugs and much love. What a special relationship you had and it will take a lot to feel not so broken, heaven is a lot happier as I am sure that Zeek has lots of his own stories to share. Big hugs, Di
i can't begin to express how much my heart aches for you. just know that you are not alone, and proof is in the comments left by your visitors. and don't worry...my basset hound diego will take good care of him. :)
We are on our second golden. Lost the first to cancer at age 8. "Buddy" is 7 and so far so good. 14 is rare for a golden - what a good, long life. They are a breed like no other I've seen - loving beyond belief. I know your heart is aching for your constant companion.
As I look at our second Golden, our sweet Shelby, I can certainly understand your broken heart. We lost our first, Maggie, to a stroke and our Shelby is now about 10 years old (we aren't sure, no one wanted this sweet girl) and is a silly girl that barks at all the animals on TV - from camels to cats. Goldens are a breed of their own and we surely know how much Zeek was loved. He had a wonderful life - a "full of love" life and you will always treasure him. RIP Zeek.
I am so sad for you. My heart goes out to you. There is nothing quite so loyal as our furry friends. Zeek will have a place in your heart forever. You will always have his love in your heart. Nothing will ever replace that love. My sympathy to you and all who were blessed to have the love of Zeek.
Thinking of you with great sadness.
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Zeek. Goldens are just the best dogs ever. Our golden passed away when he was almost 18 years old! We rescued him when he was 8 and thought we'd only have three or four years with him, but he was with us for almost 10 years! I feel your painful loss. xo
I am crying with you and mourning once again the loss of my dog Ginger who passed 22 years ago. I have not been able to bear to adopt another, but love my 3 grand-dogs when I visit my daughters. Time does heal, but not completely.
So sorry for your loss. He was so beautiful.
As I read the last line of this post through tear-blurred eyes, I remembered a post you did several years ago about our pets and their faithfulness to us. You spoke so beautifully of their last days and what a privilege to share those bittersweet days with them and honoring them. I remember it brought me to tears because every word rang true. Thinking of this now, the fact that your sweet Z lived 14 glorious years is proof you walked the talk then and still do. When I was grieving over Jakie a wise friend told me to cry and grieve all I wanted...he was the dog of my heart. I've loved dogs before and since, but he was special and so was your Zeek. My hearts breaks with yours and as another loving friend told me, "To share grief means we'll take on part of yours to lessen the pain just a little."
And as you told me 4 years ago, he'll be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge, tail wagging.
God bless you and I'm sending prayers.
My prayers are for u .God has him in heaven.i know how it is when u lose your baby.There are no words to say when a heart is broken.So i will pray for u.
Tears for you and Zeek...I related to you . My old girl is 17 and every day is a blessing with her as she struggles with her arthritis just to be near me. When her time comes, I hope she meets up with your Zeek as she passes over the Rainbow Bridge.
i can only say i understand i recently had to say good bye to my beloved "jack" at 7yrs old a golden with such a sweet spirit, i think of him daily. i;ve rescued a little girl golden i named margaret. as shes not jack by any means, my grandson said "if you close your eyes and pet margaret- it feels like jack" i do it daily and he's right and margaret has begun to fill up my broken heart for sure. i believe i'll see him again and until then i will love on all animals!
I am so sorry Zeek has gone ahead, and so happy that you were able to experience his love and give him love while he was here.
I'm so sorry for your loss. He was beautiful in heart and spirit.
Rest blessed sweet Zeek - we will see you one day on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. We will be praying for your Mommy and family constantly ooxoxx
So sorry to hear of your loss. I don't know you, but know the grief of losing a beloved dog.
My sincerest condolences.
Most certainly heart breaking... I sat here and read your post and cried with you... Our precious "Gracy" girl of 15 years passed away at the beginning of this year.. She was a miniature Schnauzer that was my sweet baby girl ... I still can't chat about her too much without the tears begin to flow... I know how you feel; Sooooo very sorry... They certainly work their way into our hearts don't they!
I totally understand where you are coming from and am so sorry for your loss! I had a gorgeous Golden names Seanmus years ago. He was more than a dog - he was a family member and my best friend! I swear he understood every word I said and went with me everywhere. H passed of cancer at the age of 7, after a 14 month chemo treatment and remission. AS with my experience, the pain will subside but there will always be a special place in your heart for Zeke! Hugs and healing thoughts, Leena
My heart hurts for you and my eyes tear up for your lost.
I know the pain of when a precious pet dies.
I am sure we will see our pets again in heaven if our heart are right with God
Thank you for sharing. You said everything I wish I would have said about my two dear ones that passed this year.... I cried along with you.
What a heartfelt tribute.
Thank you for sharing. I cried reading this as it's still fresh for me also. Never apologize for honoring such a dear one. I lost my two fur babies over the last few months and I wish I would have done the same but I was just too heartbroken ...what a dear he was..thank you.
I want to thank each of you for leaving such heartfelt and comforting comments. Your words have helped my heart so much.
I miss Zeek everyday, I will always miss him. Life is mostly back to normal, but several times a week something will trigger a thought, a memory.....and the tears are quick to fall. He was such a blessing. Thank you for all the love and support. ~Laurie
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