Our common desire to hide the TV has created quite a market. There are loads of clever ideas for concealment ranging from wardrobes to custom built-ins. For the new flat screens, you can choose from a variety of cabinets with hydraulic lifts, as well as custom built mantels. They are wonderful indeed, but the price tags are quite hefty.

Last month, I ran across a cool idea using a fireplace mantel on Apartment Therapy. The design was pretty, but the height wasn't practical for us.

And then I stumbled across an antique mantel top that was missing the mirror at a flea market. I thought the opening for the missing mirror would be a great place for the TV. Mind you, I had no measurements for our existing mantel, but I eyeballed it and it looked like it might work. The nicest thing about the top? I snagged it for $65!!
I couldn't have found a better match with a map! These two look as if they were separated at birth!! The fact that the size and color was a close match, greatly simplified this project. Both the base and the top had shelves, but I thought it actually added interest so I let it be.
This was definitely one of the easiest tasks we've ever done. A little black paint on the wall (to camouflage the opening behind the set), running the cable and electric cords behind the mantel base, attaching the top and installing a wall bracket to hang the TV. I wish all our projects were this easy-peezie! !
Hubby and I were both pleased with the finished result. I love the look and he likes the comfy height for watching TV while in bed. It's also high enough for me to sit and read without obstructing his view, lessening his use for the phrase, "You make a better door than a window". It's just perfect for our use!
I'm still playing with the decor and think I may want to paint it white......but, I'll sit with that notion for a bit. Either way, I'm thrilled!
P.S. During this project, we made an exciting discovery in the attic that I'm dying to share with you!! I'll post about it in a couple days.....it's wonderful!
You gotta love it when a plan comes together! Love the new look and header. Can't wait to see what all you've got up your sleeve. (Oh wait, it's summer...no sleeves! Guess you'll just have to go ahead and spill all!)
Wonderful job-looks stunning!!! Love Tiina...
Brillliant! I can't believe how perfectly those two pieces "marry" with one another -- you are right, separated at birth.
Hahaha--- door, window, lol. I'd forgotten about that one; I'll have to remember it when my DH stands in front of the tv, looking 'up close' at something.
But a GREAT makeover, and a good solution to a problem that plagues so many of us -- where to put that gorilla of a television?
Super sharp! I can't wait to see what else you've got going on! ~Mindy
OMG...you are alive! :) I have been wonderin' where you have been...obviously VERY busy! LOVE the new look for the TV....but, I love your hubby's comment even better! :)
How is the store? Thanks for droppin' by the Yaya...hope to someday see ya soon!
Tim is standing over my shoulder -- he wants the whole set up! Seriously! Hope you and Willie are great! Hugs!
I love your mantle/tv! Isn't it great when things work out perfect like that?
Also, I am so glad you had the Canton dates listed on the side. For months I have been planning to go next Thursday, whoops.
What a great idea. I know your home must look amazing!
OMG....love how you put the bedroom TV ...........What a great decorating idea! Can't wait to show my hubby as that is why we don't have one of those MUST HAVE MAN THINGS { TV } in our bedroom. Now if there is such a thing as a "shabby chic pink TV" then I say Go for it! Great Idea....see ya soon..Cathy "GIRLS GONE JUNKIN"
They DO look like they were made for each other. As "the cournal" would say, "I love it when a plan comes together" ;-p
Don't paint them!!!! So many little details seem to disappear when pretty wood gets painted all white . . . but they belong to you, so you can do as you wish :-D
Cheryl B.
What a great idea!! I would love to see it white as well, but either way it is a fabulous marriage of two pieces! Way to go!!
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