Through our years of historic restoration, we've found some really cool things tucked inside of walls, under old foundations, buried under shrubs, you never know what you may discover during a project on an old house.
While installing the cable and electricity for the TV project, hubby was trying to run wires through the ceiling of our bedroom and was accessing it from an undisturbed part of the attic floor. There, under some old floor boards, he noticed the edge of something sticking out. He pulled up a couple boards, and was surprised to find a long slender box that was covered in a mound of dust. It was taped shut, so he stopped what he was doing and brought it downstairs so we could check it out.
I was so excited when I saw the box, with just a smidge of anxiety.....what was in the box?
Inside the box, wrapped in newspapers dated 1953 was a large doll, and I mean large! She measures about 30" tall and looks like a life size 2-3 year old toddler.
Our home is a registered Texas Historic Landmark that was built in 1880 and originally owned by a widow with 10 daughters. The house remained in that family until 1967, so, it's no shock that we've found quite a few doll parts over the past years, but never anything even close to this!We've been unable to find any markings on her, but the box has a faint label that reads, "Madame Georgene Doll". And another label on an interior box that reads "Wonder Dolls". We're not certain if she was the doll that was originally in this box, but she fits in it perfectly. She has a cloth body and there is a cylinder that I can feel under her tummy. I'm curious what kind of mechanism it is, but I wouldn't dare cut her cloth to find out. She didn't have any clothes so I found her a vintage gown and hat to wear in the meantime.
This little girl's condition is pretty rough. Her face is quite cracked and crazed, she's missing a few fingers, and her hair is a mess, but I think she is so lovely. It makes me smile to think about how many little girls must have loved her in years past. Old items tell stories without speaking a word......I love that. Does anyone else do that...sense the history of antique item?
We've officially adopted her and gave her the name, Georgy Girl. Her name was inspired by the box label and a song that I remember from my childhood. Okay, I know.....I'm dating myself!

Georgy Girl was posing for a photo on the front porch swing when she caught the attention of George, our 11 year old rescue kitty, and Zeek our 10 year old Golden. Perhaps they thought she was the latest rescue!
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment. What a wonderful find tucked inside the walls. I bet you were very excited. Happy BLOGmance Wednesday.
Get out! She is adorable! I love her worn bits. Shows how much she was loved. And extra points for your pets loving her! ~Mindy
Georgy Girl is beautiful, there is something so special about her. What are you going to do with her? That must have been fun to discover the box. I think she is happy to be out, take her to your lovely store and put a tag on her (for display only). She is to lovely to sell. Have a wonderful day. Sandi
wow...that kinda gives me goosebumps! :D makes me wonder why did they box it up like that...intentionally so someone could find? come back for? its a mystery I guess, but a cool one nevertheless...glad the furries took to her with such kindness...over here, she would have been bitten probably. LOL.
yapping cat
Sandi, that's exactly what I have planned! I'm going to find a nice spot for her near the sales counter so she can greet everyone! She can be the LaurieAnna's Greeter!
Cindy, we've had lots of head scratching moments like that! We found 3 pairs of shoes (nothing special) inside of a wall a few years back. We never could figure out why/how shoes would end up inside of a wall!! Perhaps it was planned future comic relief!
I googled the info from one of the labels - sympletymes.blogspot.com/2009/01/georgene-novelty-averill-hendren-cloth.html - says Georgy Girl is vintage 30's, originally came with records and played various songs that came through her chest. What a lovely mystery!
Oops, I meant THIS one! FrameDetail_ChattyAverill produced dolls under the trade names of Madame Hendren, Lyf-Lyk, Dolly-Rekord, Master Bubbles, Wonder and Madame Georgene. Other doll companys also ...
phonographia.com/TTHF_MF_MadameH.htm -
You are so kind to share that with me! You had more luck than I didi!
I'm going to check it out now! Thank you!
This is so neat! I love hearing things like this. I always love the program If Walls Could Talk on the Home and Garden Channel. It was always telling something interesting that people found in the walls or under the floor boards in their old homes. She is beautiful. I hope you can research and find out some history as to how old she is.
look at this rare doll and you can see the cylinders
Thank you Iris....I love that show too! She is pretty, isn't she? Thanks for sharing!
Wow, great link.....her face is different, but it explains the thing I feel under the cloth. She also shares the same company name.....that's so interesting!
Hmmmm.....wonder if she was a talker?... Thanks so much for taking time to share!
This is like an episode of If These Walls Could Talk. What an absolute awesome find!
I love her.. so sweet cracks and all...
Girl, you and Tim are so stinkin cute!! I love Tim's comment about the mantel, you guys have the perfect house for that!
Thanks for dropping by....Willie agrees that we need to do dinner soon!
Laurie, I think she was placed there just for you. Those 10 little girls knew that in 80 years just the right person would find her, love her and give her a good home. And look...someone did, YOU!
I found the same information by googling Madame Georgene. I am a nut about history! Have fun with her. It was meant to be and I'll be sure and drop by the store to visit with Miss Georgy Girl soon!
Aw, Deb that is so sweet, thank you! She'll be there to greet you on your next visit. I need to find something for her to wear!
What a wonderful treasure the previous homeoweners gifted you. Nothing like finding such wonderful items in your home's walls to give you a better sense of times past.
That's a really cool find!
She looks beautiful lounging on the porch.
What an exciting find! I look forward to "meeting" Georgy Girl at your shop soon! Patti
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