Everything about the Nutcracker show was phenomenal! Thursday was our best selling day ever.......I mean since we've been in business "ever"!! Just off the charts amazing!!
We worked into the late hours creating our booth and the hard work payed off! For the second year in a row we were one of three booths out of 350 plus vendors awarded the Best in Show title.
Adding to the excitement of the award and the outstanding sales, I had the pleasure of meeting some amazing people, two of which were Ed Fulkerson and Michael Breddin of Leftover's Antiques. This was their first year at the show. We talked shop for awhile and I must say they are the nicest guys and so talented! They were among the three of us awarded "Best in Show"! Congrats to them! I'm thankful to have finally met these Texas gems!

We also recieved a visit from Karen McCord, Cheryl Lehane and Deela Roe of Zapp Hall as well as Jackie Sharbrough of the Urban Market. What delightful ladies! Actually, we had lots of friendly visits from several show it looks like we may be adding some new things to our calendar ....2010 will be eventful for us. We're extremely excited about the opportunities that await us in the coming year!
Now, it's time to unload the trucks and trailers and get things hopping for the next First Monday show. I plan to get back into full blogging swing as my schedule loosens a bit from the rigorous Holiday show schedule!
Thanks so much for your continued are the very reason we do this and why we've not only rocked right on through this flawed economy, but are actually thriving in spite of it!
A huge congratulations to you and your crew L.A.! It all looks amazing and I can only imagine how gorgeous it was close up and personal. I hope you won't mind, but I'm stealing, I mean borrowing a couple of your photos to do a post on this wonderful show. Look out Nell Hill's...there's a new chick in town and she's a Texas gal!
Oh my! Congratulations on your amazing, simply, amazing vignettes and displays! I only wish I could be closer to Texas..hopefully by Round Top in March! Your style is so grand...just eye candy to the max.
My Best
Fabulous! And congratulations, certainly worthy of the award! ~ Angela
Was there any question you would not win? Not in my mind - you are the most creative display person I have EVER seen - and I have seen many but they do not hold a candle to your hands! I am so proud of you all and LOVE to visit your store in Canton. Have a wonderful holiday - I won't make it back to canton this year. May you be blessed this holiday season!
Very deserving.... congrats!
So exciting!! But not all do the most fantastic displays! Am thrilled your show just knocked your socks off. Way to go!
OH LaurieAnna! Your excitement is contagious! I can't tell you how thrilled I am for you! Way to go!!! ~Mindy
Your displays are so amazing. The colors are just excellent together. Congrats on your award. You deserve it.
Take care,
Congrats!! It looks incredible!! Wish we could have been there to see it for ourselves.
The Boys of BH
Hi sweets...
I had planned on being there, but was still tied up with the shop and getting it ready for the final days for the holiday season, so just couldn't take time away from the store! So, glad to hear you won again this year! Maybe someday we will finally get a chance to meet up in person....just remember if you are ever in Houston again, there will be a cold one or hot one (whichever) waitin' for you and your "elfs" at the Yaya!
Well, no surprise there! You are all so incredibly talented (and hard working!) that I'd be really surprised if you didn't win. Everything you do is just amazing and beautiful.
Congrats! No surprise there as you and your crew are all amazingly talented! Pics look gorgeous!
yapping cat
LauieAnna- Congrats on your well deserved 2nd year win at the Houston market. I may need to pay you a visit in Canton where it's a bit less hectic. :-)
Thank you for visiting my blog the other day. My post tomorrow will be a follow up to my Nutcracker post, highlighting your gorgeous store and blog.
Morning T, it was a nice surprise to find the photos on your blog! Thank you for the kind words...I hope you will drop by and see us in Canton sometime soon!
I look forward to reading your post... I'm planning a post in the morning with more Nutcracker photos so it will be well-timed!
Thanks again!
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