But, some surprises are quite sweet! Such as the surprise that Cassity of Remodelaholic gave me this morning! She has featured the bedroom makeover on her site! Have you been to this amazing site? If not, you are one of the few in the blogasphere that hasn't! Thank you Cassity for a wonderful surprise!
No doubt about it, the bedroom makeover has been a hit! So, I have planned to post about many more room makeovers!
In fact, I have makeover for you right now.....real life (aka hubby and Zeek) making over a room! Everything is always pretty when we photograph it for our posts.....but let's face it....that's not the way life really is. Move your cursor over the picture and take in real life!

.In fact, I have makeover for you right now.....real life (aka hubby and Zeek) making over a room! Everything is always pretty when we photograph it for our posts.....but let's face it....that's not the way life really is. Move your cursor over the picture and take in real life!

I was nodding and clapping and saying, "uh huh" in agreement with you! LOL
Real life... that's where the cat helps in the diy project (mainly in the painting department) and thinks that his fur coat is the equivalent to fun and funky floor covering...
yeah - LOLOL
I love LOVE the bedroom makeover!!!
;-) robelyn
Love the make over!! And the way it really looks made me laugh!! That is so true!
Very clever girl...
Your makeover is grand...
real life = REAL....
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Well, it's not a "hands off" bed then! Just as it should be, Laurie Anna!
Just keeping it real, huh girl?
LA, I absolutely love your blog. I'm going to be busy for awhile catching up on your old posts. Your home is delicious and your description as a God loving DIYer sounds just like me! I so look forward to soaking up your blog. :)
I love your bedroom makeover! And why have a beautiful home if you can't enjoy it. Loved the picture of your husband on the bed with the dog. Cute! Love & blessings from NC!
Oh you are so right,I was nodding and smiling. That has got to be
the coolest of all cool makeover
and the way you posted with the
cursor that changes it to real
life. AWESOME!!! I love makeovers.
Zeek has got your spot..LOL..:O)
Laurie, looks like Wille and Zeek are relaxing after a job well done!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne
Well now, aint that the TRUTH!! Very cute :)
Now that is funny... love Kathy Sue
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